I Am A Life C.E.O
- January 14, 2012
- Posted by: KushKritin
- Categories:

Introducing Life C.E.O.A Powerful Life Coaching Program
Life C.E.O program is a launchpad for growth lovers who are inclined to rise their personal as well as professional success. It’s about establishing and strengthening your relationship with yourself and it’s about empowering yourself to take charge of your own life with immense power and confidence.
Available as 1-on-1 Coaching as well as a Group Training Program, Life C.E.O strengthens 6 aspects of your life. With Life C.E.O you can seek clarity and set up life vision, enhance decision making and action taking skills, boost your self-worth and confidence, develop self expression capabilities, break through inner obstacles and quickly fine tune yourself to live life with stability, peace and joy.
Life C.E.O refines your mind-sets through undergoing the processes of introspection, personal improvement and inner transformation. It trains you and develops in you the necessary skill-sets of self-management so that you begin to reach full potential and get more out of your work and life.
Clients who undergo Life C.E.O program experience a steep rise in their functionality. They experience inner strength and courage to deal with their day to day life interactions. Through Life C.E.O, our clients discover where they are now and where they want to go; they change themselves to be at their best and lead lives in their chosen direction.
We invite you for a FREE 30 minutes need-analysis session with our co-founder and a highly experienced Success Coach Amit Kapadia. Together, we can explore how we can begin to make your life even more successful. Book your FREE session here.
We specialise in helping you develop 6 vital aspects of your life that make you super functional, peak performer and high achiever.
Check, which ones are most important to you now?
Seek Clarity and Set Vision
Without vision, people perish. Life C.E.O enables you to brainstorm, explore your dreams, find vision, fix a purpose and set goals. With us, you find new pathways and gear up to execute goal-oriented action plan.
Develop Self-expressing Abilities
Life C.E.O helps you to rise your conversational intelligence and trains you to get along with people, express your views with clarity, courage and confidence and thus build trust fostering relationships.
Enhance Decision Implementation
In life, deciding and doing the decided; both are must. Life C.E.O helps you in every aspect of organising thoughts, generating options, making decisions and implementing timely actions for getting things done.
Breakthrough Inner Obstacles
Life C.E.O transforms you inside-out to help you conquer your obstacles, gain emotional stability and regulate self behaviours in ways that contribute in faster goal accomplishments and higher success; making you a high achiever.
Boost Self-worth and Confidence
Life C.E.O helps you to refine mindsets, resolve thinking errors, strengthen your belief systems and correct your self-image so that you can grow beyond who you are now, ignite self leadership and take control of your own life.
Gain Stability, Joy and Peace
Peace lies in acceptance. Life C.E.O goes to the root cause resolution to help you get rid of the after effects of stress. With us, you restore your functionality and get back to life with full vigour and zeal.
Our Clients' Speak
Hi Coach, today I have completed working 40 hours over 9 months in Life C.E.O program. I thought to write this to you. “I’m observing a lightness like I have never known or experienced before. Completely still mind; no rush, no restlessness. And this level of happiness like being happy without any reason, this is exactly what I was aiming for since long. Just living in joy and observing self. Almost like a romance with myself. And when I am talking to people I’m seeing things in 360 degrees. Like another eye has opened and things I could never perceive or look beyond myself, suddenly I can. It is all thanks to you and the path you have shown. Amit, Thank You.” – Neeta.
My name is Roshni. I underwent Life C.E.O Program in July 2018. I had been into difficult phases of my life from so long but after taking life coaching sessions I have risen higher in my life. I have cleared so many blockages of my life. I could find a path in my difficult situations and Coach Amit Kapadia immensely helped me to focus on the positive part of every difficult situation. Thank you so much. I am and will always be grateful.
While people were busy judging me and considering me rigid, half mad and name calling me with cheap labels you saw some good parts in me and helped me come out. Through your sessions I am slowly recovering my lost image and building another stronger and refined image and self respect for me. The best barometer to feel the effects of your sessions is the quantum of inner strength and peacefulness I experience in me each day. I am in tears as I write these lines. Amitji, kindly accept my gratitude filled testimonial.
Hi Life Shapers and Coach Amit thank you. After the massive sessions which we did for 15 hours over last 3 months I witness the following: Frequency of anxiety attacks really dropped. I feel I’m more assertive. Focus has increased. I don’t feel like justifying my actions too much. I feel positive about taking charge of life. I feel more matured as if I have cultivated a deeper sense of understanding. I’m not sure if I’m completely over my need of approval but the fear is definitely less and I am thinking more about my bucket list at my workplace, my long term and short term plans. I look forward to meet you soon.
“Life Shapers rocks. My crying spells are now a history as I have become bold and begun to express clearly with my friends and family members.”
🙏🏻Thanks to you for bringing me out of this pida (pains) and giving me enough strength to make me more matured, composed, focused, grounded and sensible enough to do right things on right time with right people to achieve success. Your motto is spot on and so much aligned with your offerings. I am deeply thankful to you for offering me such rare services to beautify my inner personality which otherwise is not available like a ‘fair and lovely’ product in shops.
Strategic Benefits of Life C.E.O Program
- Gives you a custom made blue-print for speeding up your life success.
- Ignites Self-leadership and makes you super functional.
- Enhances power of self-expression and builds your capacity of people connections.
- Helps you redefine your self image and builds courage and confidence.
- You conquer your life setbacks and also overcome your growth blockers.
- You gain effective results faster; faster than you could do it alone.
- Become a better person with stronger control and stability in multiple aspects of life.
- Experience increased levels of awareness and greater level of life fulfilment.
Wouldn't you like to meet your new self and start using your true potential now and that too in just less than 100 hours which is much faster than you can ever do it alone?
Who can benefit?Life C.E.O Program is for all and even you can benefit if...
- You want to review your life directions, take stock, explore new life options and develop a clear sense of purpose and meaning in life.
- You want a trusted, qualified and an experienced confidant to open up your heart, discuss, sort out and get support in creating a purposeful change.
- You want to take charge of your thinking, feeling, behaviours and actions in responses to your external situations and internal impulses.
- You want to overcome your distractions or vent off emotional distress to regain your focus and fine-tune your life.
- You want a solid theoretically-grounded and evidence-based approach to polish life-skills, bring latent potential to use, overcome self-defeating behaviours and take your career, business, education and relationships to the next level.
Client solicited across age-groups
3 dynamic ways to avail our Life C.E.O Program

1-on-1 Consultations
- 3-30 hours sessions over 3 months
- 24*7 Whats-app support
- In-depth free flow sessions to overcome your specific challenges
- Sessions at office or over video-call
- Choice of mini and long sessions
- Ideal for growth lovers
- Affordable pricing begins from INR 2500/-

1-on-1 Coaching
- 60-100 hours sessions over 6-9 months
- 24*7 Whats-app support + feedback calls
- Customised and in-depth sessions to develop 6 vital dimensions of self-management
- Sessions at office or over video-call
- Choice of outdoor residential sessions
- Ideal for transformation lovers
- Affordable pricing begins from INR 2500/-

1-to-20 Group Training
- 2 days [12 hours] workshop
- Batch size of 15-20 people
- Structured lectures for an quick overview of all 6 dimensions of self-management
- Sessions at pre-selected venues
- Includes breakfast, lunch and high tea
- Ideal for beginners
- Affordable pricing begins from INR 9500/-
WE ARE LIFE SHAPERSRelationships And Life Enrichment Centre
Life Shapers is a brainchild of our co-founder Amit Kapadia who is a qualified and an experienced Success Coach practising in Mumbai. Amit’s professional journey is about helping clients reach their full potential and accomplish bigger goals faster. Over the years, Amit realised that many of his clients were going through painful relationship troubles which directly impacted his clients’ performance and success in their career, business and overall life. Finally in 2012, to help people overcome their relationship challenges and give meaning to their lives, Life Shapers was born.
Amit co-founded Life Shapers with a mission of “Transforming YOU to lead life inside-out and rise your relationship and life success”. Experts at Life Shapers dedicate their lives to transform individuals, couples and families to strengthen personal relationships and to enrich the quality of living. We firmly believe that rational advices simply remain what they are – ‘only advices’; they don’t result in to any transformation in its real meaning. Thus our work goes much deeper and far beyond rational advices to generate massive outcomes.
Our speciality is to work with you on your inner self to heal your emotions, mould your conversations and help you take profound actions to rise yourself, refine your relationship dynamics and enrich overall quality of living. Today, Life Shapers serves its’ clients with 2 programs namely Relationship Fitness and Life C.E.O. Both of these are delivered 1-on-1 and also in group settings over phone, video-calling and in-person meetings. We are holistic in our approach and thus integrate training, counselling, inner-healing, coaching and powerful systemic interventions to achieve extraordinary long lasting results.
Life Shapers warmly invites you to channelise your inner potentials, resolve relationship troubles, efficiently overcome real-life challenges and present as a new self in your relationships as well as life. Clients who undergo our programs experience a refinement in their thinking, feeling, behaviours and actions. As a result, our clients begin to live functional lives and bond better with loved ones; much faster than they could ever do it alone. Faster means in just less than 100 hours.

1st Indian certified as Conversational Intelligence [C-IQ] Consultant by Benchmark Communications.

Associate Certified Coach by ICF the leaders of Coaching profession.

Certified Inner-Child Practitioner by International Institute for Integration Therapy and Training.
Why Life Shapers?Top 6 reasons to work with Life Shapers in your journey of life success.
We are always with you 24*7
We never judge you or form opinions about you based on your past deeds or present situations; instead, we care and work for you along with you till the decided purpose is achieved and never let you feel alone in your journey.
We customise with 100% privacy
We customise sessions as per your needs and always extend trusted and safe environment; maintaining 100% privacy. Needless to say that we offer dynamic choices of indoor and outdoor sessions to suit your budget and time preferences.
We make you independent
We never make you dependent on us. We always train you at 2 levels; the inside [mindsets] and the outside [skill-sets and strategies] to empower you conquer your challenges and make you 100% independent as fast as possible.
We are always result driven
We always work with time-tested scientific tools and techniques driven by our experienced and qualified experts who quickly transform you, your inner dynamics, your skill-sets and thus bring a positive shift in your life.
We focus on self-transformation
We move you out from blaming others or wanting them to change and bring your focus solely on your actions. We make you super functional by training you to change your own emotions, conversations and actions; not anyone else’s.
We integrate deep healing
Sometimes when our own subconscious stands in the way of our growth, the only way out is healing the deep seated emotional wounds. We integrate the power of emotions to bring a long lasting shift in your thinking, feeling, behaviour and actions.
We invite you for a FREE 30 minutes need-analysis session to explore how we can together make you more functional, focused and even more successful in life.Call or Whatsapp us on +919820490504 or leave your details below to book your first FREE session.
Please let us know if you have a question, want to leave a comment, gift our programs or would like further information about partnering with Life Shapers to make your relationship and life journey transformational, easy and joyful.
Need More Information?Refer Our FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions].
When you cannot do what you ought to be doing and simply feel stuck to get moving on success journey then you will definitely need our Life C.E.O program for leading a fully functional life. Life C.E.O program works much beyond rational advices and a well wisher talk, it connects you with you. It gives you the power to take control of your life without being blown off by your own negative thinking, feelings, impulses or circumstances. Life C.E.O is absolutely necessary to outgrow who you currently are and outgrow your current level of success. It focuses on making you successful through identifying and resolving your exact growth-blockers and through developing in you the necessary skills that sets you into action of building solid success in career, relationships and in life.
Though the list is never ending, few prominent aspects of self management that you can bring to Life C.E.O include the following. Performing below capacity, low concentration span, inability to cop with failure, problems in decision making & taking action, confusion in choosing life & career goals, anxiety, fear, insecurity, compulsive tendencies, inferiority, self-doubt, lack of confidence, self-sabotage, workplace difficulties, difficulty dealing with competition, trouble with authority figures, maintaining work-life balance, lack of commitment, inability to trust, feeling low about oneself, identity issues, exhibiting behavioural/emotional instability, inability to communicate & express assertively, experience unexplained body pains and feeling chronic stress. Addressing these challenges does not need medical recommendation nor does it mean that you are mentally ill. Participants can successfully conquer their real life challenges by attending this program.
Yes; 3 points make it highly effective. First; Life C.E.O holistically develops you at both levels – your inner-world [mindsets and inner strength] and your outer-world [skills-sets and strategies] to enable you reach your full potentials. Second; it is coached by a qualified and experienced Coach certified by world-wide reputed organisations in the training industry with research proven and time tested techniques. And third; the content, style and coverage are 100% customised to cater participant’s needs and training focus is always aligned with participant’s hierarchy and competencies. So you are ensured to get the best.
As a growth lover, you appreciate the fact of how continual learning propels your success even higher. After availing first round of Life C.E.O Consultation, Coaching or Training, must you need continual support then you can always avail support in form of follow-up sessions, team discussions, monthly assignments and renew your coaching package. We are committed to help you expand your learning curve and maximise your take home value.
It is never about being affordable or not affordable, you being rich or poor. It is always about your priority to grow and be successful. This program is meant for open minded people who believe that they are themselves responsible for building their own success. If you are now ready to do whatever it takes to bring a massive change in trajectory of your success in career, life, relationships then this program is for you. It may be perceived as costly by few but the fact lies that not seeking this program proves even more costlier in the long run. Investing your time & money in Life C.E.O will stand amongst the wisest decision ever taken in your lifetime.
We offer 1-on-1 Consultation, 1-on-1 Coaching and Private Training to individuals. We also offer Group Training, Assessments and 1-on-1 Coaching to organisations. But whether you are an individual or an organisation, an ideal point to begin is to understand your needs, challenges and objectives. Thus, we invite you to avail a no-obligation 100% complimentary 30 minutes session with our co-founder Amit Kapadia to introduce each other, check chemistry between both of you and to feel confident about your decision to move ahead with Life C.E.O program.
Gift Our Programs and Bless Your Loved Ones.
Gift our programs to Career Aspirants, Job-seekers, Students and Women starting over after midlife who want to conquer setbacks, take control, find direction and succeed in personal and professional life. Bless your loved ones with essential knowledge and skills which they can use life-long to grow their overall functionality, focus and performance in life.